Layanan Pengadaan Terpercaya

Kami menyediakan solusi pengadaan barang dan jasa untuk sektor minyak, gas, dan pertambangan.

General Trading (Komoditas Industry)
Heavy mining machinery is situated in a rocky terrain with piles of earth and rock in the background. There are three large vehicles, including a dump truck, a large excavator, and another piece of mining equipment.
Heavy mining machinery is situated in a rocky terrain with piles of earth and rock in the background. There are three large vehicles, including a dump truck, a large excavator, and another piece of mining equipment.

Pengadaan komoditas industri dalam jumlah besar, seperti bahan baku, material konstruksi, pelumas, chemical dasar, serta produk umum lainnya untuk sektor oil & gas, pertambangan, dan manufaktur.

Heavy machinery operates on a large-scale mining site. Excavators and dump trucks are moving earth and materials, surrounded by rocky terrain and steep slopes. The equipment is primarily yellow and orange, indicating industrial use, and work is being actively carried out to extract resources.
Heavy machinery operates on a large-scale mining site. Excavators and dump trucks are moving earth and materials, surrounded by rocky terrain and steep slopes. The equipment is primarily yellow and orange, indicating industrial use, and work is being actively carried out to extract resources.
An offshore oil rig stands in the middle of a body of water, with a clear blue sky in the background. The structure is supported by multiple pillars and features a derrick and cranes, suggesting it is actively used for oil extraction. Surrounding the rig, there are distant cityscapes and verdant hills, indicating its proximity to a coastal area.
An offshore oil rig stands in the middle of a body of water, with a clear blue sky in the background. The structure is supported by multiple pillars and features a derrick and cranes, suggesting it is actively used for oil extraction. Surrounding the rig, there are distant cityscapes and verdant hills, indicating its proximity to a coastal area.
Specialty Trading (Produk Spesifik & Teknologi Industry)

Penyediaan produk khusus dengan spesifikasi teknis tinggi, seperti peralatan lifting & safety (SpanSet & Safe+Safe), field instrument & electrical (Schneider, Yokogawa, Honeywell, Siemens), bahan kimia industri (water treatment, boiler, cooling tower, geothermal, pertambangan), serta coal coating chemicals.

Layanan teknis, termasuk inspeksi, instalasi, perawatan peralatan, serta manajemen rantai pasok untuk memastikan efisiensi dan kepatuhan terhadap standar industri.

Jasa Profesional (Teknisi & Konsultasi Industri)


Sebagai mitra pengadaan terpercaya, Parama Sidhi Sikari melayani berbagai sektor industri strategis dengan menyediakan produk dan jasa berkualitas tinggi. Kami memahami kebutuhan spesifik setiap industri dan menawarkan solusi efisien, aman, serta sesuai standar internasional. Berikut adalah sektor utama yang kami dukung:

An offshore oil rig is situated in the sea, with cranes and structures visible against a hazy horizon. The water is dark and stretches out under a misty sky, creating a faint silhouette of distant land in the background.
An offshore oil rig is situated in the sea, with cranes and structures visible against a hazy horizon. The water is dark and stretches out under a misty sky, creating a faint silhouette of distant land in the background.
Oil & Gas

Menyediakan peralatan lifting & safety, piping & valve, field instrument, electrical components, serta bahan kimia industri untuk mendukung operasional di rig pengeboran, kilang minyak, terminal gas, dan fasilitas pemrosesan.


Pengadaan bahan kimia tambang (flotation reagents, leaching chemicals, dust suppressant, coal coating chemicals), alat berat, serta safety equipment, memastikan efisiensi dan keselamatan di tambang terbuka maupun bawah tanah.

Infrastruktur & Konstruksi

Suplai material konstruksi, electrical systems, valve & piping, serta lifting & securing equipment, mendukung proyek jembatan, jalan raya, pembangkit listrik, dan fasilitas industri.

Manufaktur & Industri Strategis

Penyediaan bahan baku, chemical treatment (water treatment, boiler, cooling tower), serta sistem otomatisasi & kontrol, membantu meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas produksi di pabrik & industri berat.